Timber Flooring Systems
Lawmans Frame & Truss can supply you with any of the engineered timber products on the market, either the Tillings Smart Joist or the Carter Holt HyJoist, TermiSpan or Red Alert for your Bearers and Joists, Hyspan LVL or Tillings LVL-18 and LVL-15 range, or the Hyne Beam 17c or 21c or anything else that you might be looking for.

Posi-Strut & Posi-Joist Specialists
At Lawmans we manufacture and supply Mitek Posi Struts and Posi Joists. If you have any questions regarding this product please call our office or visit the Mitek website.
PosiStrut trusses are parallel chord trusses using timber chords on flat and unique PosiStrut "V" webs.
Posi‐Struts are manufactured from galvanised steel and incorporate integral Gang‐Nail teeth at each end. PosiStrut webs have a "V" shaped cross section which enables both tension and compression forces to be transmitted, eliminating the need to cut large quantities of timber components which are required with alternate construction methods.

Posi‐Strut trusses make more efficient use of timber than conventional joists, as they have timber concentrated at the top and bottom of the truss where it works most effectively. This concept is similar to that of steel universal beams, where the majority of steel is located in the flanges.
The efficient use of timber, combined with the strength of the Posi‐Strut webs, make the Posi‐Strut truss a very lightweight, yet strong structural member.

Posi-Strut trusses offer the following advantages over solid joists:
- Ducting and other services can be run between chords and webs
- No drilling or notching required to accommodate services
- Additional width available for fixing flooring
- Ceiling material can be fixed directly to the truss bottom chords
- Greater spans can be achieved with floor trusses than with solid timber joists, creating large open areas
- Internal load bearing walls, piers, or stumps and bearers can be reduced or eliminated
- Shrinkage problems sometimes encountered with unseasoned solid timber are reduced or eliminated
- Lightweight and easy to handle
- Load sharing ability
- Strongback bracing increases floor stiffness and reduces squeaky floors
- Optional top chord support reduces on‐site labour
- Top chord hanging
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Contact us to discover how Lawmans Frame and Truss can assist you with your next project.